Food Insecurity in Puerto Rico


The Pobreza in Puerto Rico is an issue of of concern y very little talked about. The levels of Poverty and Child Poverty are on the rise and every day are more the people affected by this. Mhile the government seems to do little to work much to work on its eradication, the people of Puerto Rico fall under the clutches of another concern on a daily basis: Food insecurity.

Currently, Puerto Ricans are currently eligible to receive assistance from the Federal Nutrition Assistance Program (PAN), howeverhowever, However, they CANNOT receive assistance from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), as this supplemental assistance is not available to Puerto Ricans.supplemental aid does not apply to does not apply to Puerto Ricans.. Although work was recently underway to see how can be implemented a Puerto Rico into SNAP, the Food Bank's executive director, Mari Joe Laborde Mari Joe Labordebrought to light a very problem that is NECESSARY in order to work with SNAP. Pobreza and Child Poverty in Puerto Rico.

The food insecurity is the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate food nutritionally adequate food or the limited or uncertain ability to acquire food. Currently, the federal Department of Agriculture publishes annual the indexs Food Security Indexes that identifynby state and location, the areas with the greatest food security. It is important to note that Puerto Rico IS NOT INCLUDED in this metric.

The Department of Agriculture uses information from Censo to create the index food security index, and PUERTO RICO SÍ IS INCLUDED in the information at Censo, but for "budget reasons''they do not include Puerto Rico in the metric.

Although in Puerto Rico, the levels of POPs are reported in Pobreza and Child Poverty for each village, obtaining this type of information would help to eradicate child poverty. Poverty Child Poverty AND Poverty on the island, since it would specifically identify the areas in each village that are most vulnerable to this problem and from there begin to work with proposals for socio-economic development. with proposals for socio-economic development.ómico.

There are many people on the island who benefit from federal aid. The federal government cannot continue to "assume" that the people of Puerto Rico do not suffer and suffer.

Puerto Rico MUST BE taken into consideration for statistics such as these, and even more so when the island IS INCLUDED in the information they use to create the metric. They cannot continue to make the residents of Puerto Rico invisible.

We deserve to be treated better and to be included.

In this way we can begin to see a change in the island and its poverty.

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela

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