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Raul Grijalva asks Natalie Jaresko to clarify her statements on parity in Medicaid

The chairman of the Natural Resources Committee said that claiming anything less than equal treatment may give Congress an excuse to offer only "half a loaf."

wednesday, june 23, 2021 - 12:12 p.m.

By José A. Delgado

Washington D. C. - The Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources, Democrat Raul GrijalvaD., today called on the executive director of the Fiscal Oversight Board (FOSB) to clarify her comments that Puerto Rico may not be prepared to obtain parity under the Medicaid program, Natalie Jareskoto clarify her comments that Puerto Rico may not be prepared to obtain parity under the Medicaid program.

Grijalva, who has primary jurisdiction over Puerto Rico issues in the U.S. House of Representatives, said he was disappointed that Jaresko distanced himself from the term parity, saying the JSF supports equal treatment for the island under that health program.

"If widely circulated, your comments could incalculably set back our efforts to ensure equal treatment in federal programs for U.S. territories," Grijalva said in a letter sent to Jaresko today.

For Grijalva, expressing support for "anything less" than parity, "however well-intentioned, only serves to make it possible for Congress to give Puerto Rico and the other territories half a 'loaf' instead of full parity, which is precisely what is needed."

The JSF, in a statement issued Monday night, reaffirmed that this is the position it has maintained for the past four years.

"There are a whole variety of (Medicaid) services that are mandatory on the mainland that are not mandatory in Puerto Rico. Does that mean we want them to be mandatory as well? No. I think the word (parity) is very political and doesn't get us to the heart of the debate. But yes, (we advocate for) equal treatment, long-term clarity on Medicaid. Absolutely," Jaresko said in the interview.

Grijalva recalled in the letter that President Joe Biden, in language included in his FY 2022 budget proposal, "calls for parity in the nation's social security programs for residents of U.S. territories."

"In addition to calling for the elimination of Medicaid funding caps for Puerto Rico and the other territories, the budget also calls for parity for other federal programs, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and the Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). While you may have thought you were just explaining the reality of Puerto Rico on the ground, your comments could have the effect of causing us to miss an opportunity that has never been more within reach," Grijalva added in his letter.

Pedro Pierluisi said that by not directly advocating for parity in Medicaid funding, the JSF and Jaresko "are failing Puerto Rico.

"They are unaware that, like the states, Puerto Rico will be able to gradually expand the benefits it offers under the Medicaid program while receiving federal funds under the same rules as the states," said the governor, who is in meetings in Washington this week.


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