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Speaker of the House announces organizations unite for Puerto Rico's inclusion in Supplemental Security Income Program

Speaker of the House announces organizations unite for Puerto Rico's inclusion in Supplemental Security Income Program

friday, february 26, 2021

Capitol Hill - House Speaker Rafael "Tatito" Hernández informed on Friday that dozens of non-profit organizations and different components of the public and private sectors have joined the effort led by the House to have Puerto Rico included in the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.

"Beyond partisan lines, there is consensus in the country around the demand for equality so that Puerto Ricans have full access to the benefits of the SSI program. For this reason, the House of Representatives has joined efforts with municipalities, municipal legislatures, non-profit organizations, the industrial sector, the faith-based sector and all sectors of Puerto Rican society to ensure that American citizens residing in Puerto Rico are given the fair treatment they deserve," the House Speaker said in a written statement.

"We thank the dozens of non-profit organizations that have joined the House of Representatives' request that President Joe Biden, through the federal Department of Justice, desist from appealing the decision that would grant SSI program benefits to all U.S. citizens residing in Puerto Rico," said Hernández Montañez.

Likewise, the Speaker of the House recounted the efforts made by said body (House) and assured that this is only the beginning of a series of initiatives for the coming months to achieve the inclusion of Puerto Rico in said program (SSI).

"So far, House Concurrent Resolution 15 was approved, demanding that President Joe Biden fulfill his campaign promise to include Puerto Rico in the SSI program. In addition, the Puerto Rico Municipal Legislators Association joined the efforts of the House of Representatives by sending a letter to U.S. Attorney General-designate Merrick B. Garland, asking him to desist from appealing the decision of the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston on the SSI case (United States v. Vaello-Madero) before the federal Supreme Court," said Hernández Montañez.

Also, the municipal legislatures of the 78 municipalities of Puerto Rico, at our request, are in the process of approving soon a resolution that would ask President Joe Biden to desist from continuing the litigation before the U.S. Supreme Court of the decision of the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston, in the case of United States v. Vaello-Madero, in order for Puerto Rico to be included in the program," he added, while indicating that letters were also sent to the mayors of the 78 municipalities of Puerto Rico to join the efforts of the program. Vaello-Madero, for Puerto Rico to be included in the program," he added while indicating that letters were also sent to the mayors of the 78 municipalities of Puerto Rico to join the efforts of the House of Representatives in requesting President Joe Biden's Administration to include Puerto Rico in the program.

Since December 2020, Hernández Montañez has sent letters to U.S. President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and U.S. Attorney General-designate Merrick B. Garland, requesting that Puerto Rico be included in the SSI program immediately, as Biden promised during his election campaign.

"SSI benefits the most needy and vulnerable families in the country. This would mean additional help to improve their quality of life. Therefore, it is our duty to defend these families and all our constituents. We will be watching the developments and the proceedings of the U.S. Supreme Court," concluded Hernandez Montañez.

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