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Chamber President promotes carrying "a single message in unity" to give parity to the Island in Medicaid

House Speaker Rafael "Tatito" Hernández Montañez said Monday that he wants to carry a single message to give Puerto Rico parity in Medicaid and give the island equal access to the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and food assistance programs.

"Today is a day of joy for all Puerto Ricans. After so many efforts in which we asked President Biden to order the federal Department of Justice to withdraw the writ of certiorari and include the residents of the island in the federal social justice program, we are more than pleased with the determination to include the residents of Puerto Rico in this benefit," Hernandez Montañez said in a written communication.

The chamber president extended his thanks to Cristóbal Alex, Julie Chaves and Tatiana Matta for coordinating the follow-up of these claims in the White House, as well as to all those who for decades have demanded access to these programs in the legislative, legal and political processes, especially to the commercial institutions organized on the island related to the food and health industry, to non-profit organizations such as AARP and religious entities such as Jubilee.

"The task has been long and complex, but it does not end with what has been achieved in the White House. Now it is time for all of us to go with a single message to the U.S. Capitol. It is essential to organize and prepare a consistent message in which all sectors agree," said Hernandez.

Read here: Biden includes Puerto Rico in federal Medicaid plan; 'Equal treatment,' says Pierluisi

The legislator explained that currently on the Island, and after the changes proposed by the Biden Harris administration, the programs operate as follows:

- Medicare- The funds allocated to Puerto Rico for Medicare are allocated in block grants and end in September. The government uses it to finance, through ASES, the Health Card for low-income individuals.

- By receiving parity in the program, the allocation is made by formula without the need to lobby Congress effusively every four years to include the island in the federal budget.

"Puerto Rico's inclusion in the SSI program will have a positive impact of $2.3 billion annually on the Island and will benefit close to 300,000 Puerto Rican minors and adults with some type of disability. In times like the ones we are living through, the fact that this assistance will be extended to more citizens in Puerto Rico is an achievement that will bring tranquility, hope and social justice to the people," he added.

This is if Joe Biden's budget, which includes Puerto Rico in the federal Medicaid plan, is approved.

Hernandez emphasized that the inclusion of Puerto Ricans in the SNAP program, similar to what is known in Puerto Rico as PAN, will benefit the food industry. This program is administered by the Department of the Family and will impact the food industry in supermarkets, restaurants and farmers' markets while bringing sustenance to the homes of the neediest on the Island.

Regarding Supplemental Social Security, minors, adults and seniors with disabilities will be able to receive benefits, since this social justice program is aimed at people whose disability does not allow them to work partially or permanently. The funds for this benefit will be deposited directly into the beneficiaries' bank accounts.

Tatito Hernández indicated that "this proposal of President Biden will be worked through a budget resolution because it is the most effective vehicle to advance the causes of Puerto Ricans, given that this type of legislation can be approved with 51 votes (50 Democrats in the Senate and 1 from Vice President Kamala Harris)".

The Chamber President informed that he will send a letter to the Department of Justice to withdraw the Vaello-Madero case and become an academic, in order to ratify the decision of the Boston Court and finally receive this benefit. He will also send letters to the Finance Committees in the U.S. House and Senate. Likewise, he called on all sectors to identify common ground and go to Washington with a single message.

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