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Populares Ask Biden To Apply Supplemental Security Income (SSI) In Puerto Rico

The petition is to conclude the case that seeks to overturn the unconstitutionality of not applying the benefit to Puerto Ricans residing on the Island.

By Cybernews Tuesday, December 01, 2020

Popular Democratic Party (PDP) Representative Rafael "Tatito" Hernández Montañez, along with candidates for pre-certified representatives, Ángel "Tito" Fourquet Cordero and Kebin Maldonado Martiz, informed on Tuesday that they sent a letter to U.S. President-elect Joe Biden asking him to take the necessary steps to end the case that seeks to overturn the unconstitutionality of excluding Puerto Ricans from the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.tat

"Today we ask President Biden to order the U.S. Department of Justice to withdraw the writ of certiorari before the U.S. Supreme Court, which seeks to revoke the decision that declared unconstitutional the exclusion of island residents from supplemental social security, and to establish a clear mandate to include island residents in the federal social justice program," Hernandez Montañez said in a written communication.

He said he is confident that "Biden will honor his commitment to the Puerto Rican people and that his administration will take the right steps to ensure greater equity, respect and fair treatment of our country and our people by all government agencies.

On the other hand, Fourquet recalled that "in the Vaello-Madero case, the federal government sued him to return $28,081 plus interest for not notifying the agency that he had moved to Puerto Rico, since the SSI requirements establish that the benefit is only for residents of the 50 states, Washington DC and the Northern Mariana Islands. However, in April of this year, Federal Judge William Young declared it unconstitutional to deny benefits to U.S. citizens residing on the Island in the federal programs of SSI, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and Medicare Part D Low Income Subsidies (LIS), which covers prescription drugs".

For his part, Maldonado said that "the inclusion of Puerto Rico in this program would have a positive impact of $2.3 billion annually on the island and would benefit close to 300,000 Puerto Ricans. In the times we are going through, the fact that this aid will be extended to more citizens in Puerto Rico will be an achievement that will bring tranquility, hope and social justice to the people".

"We firmly believe that Biden has the vision, fortitude and morals to correct the mistakes of the past, so our request is to do the right thing for the welfare of the most vulnerable in the country and withdraw the legal recourse filed by the Trump administration in the Vaello-Madero case," insisted Maldonado, precertified representative for the 20th District.

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