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Pierluisi lobbies in Washington for equal treatment in Medicaid and Medicare programs

He announced that he has also advocated for the inclusion of the island in President Biden's American Jobs Plan and statehood during his trip.

By Primera Hora15May 2021 - 11:11am

Pedro Pierluisi has spoken with more than 30 members of Congress to advocate for equal treatment in the Medicaid and Medicare programs, the inclusion of the island in President Joe Biden's American Jobs Plan, as well as statehood for Puerto Rico, as reported Saturday.

"During this visit I had the opportunity to meet with many of my colleagues in Congress, as well as new members. In my conversations I addressed our top priorities and the need for all of us American citizens living on the island to receive equal and fair treatment. I have maintained an excellent relationship with the White House team, as well as with members of Congress, and I will continue to work as a team to ensure that Puerto Rico receives access to all existing assistance and programs, and to continue to promote economic development on the Island," Pierluisi said in a press release.

The executive detailed that some of the members of Congress he has met with include Representatives Lou Correa, Jimmy Gomez, Darren Soto, Jim Costa, Vicente Gonzalez, Ruben Gallego and Representatives Nanette Barragan and Stacey Plaskett. In addition, he met with Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairman Raul Ruiz, as well as Congressmen George K. Butterfield, Ritchie Torres, Kurt Schrader, Eric Swalwell, Lizzie Fletcher, Jason Crow, Jimmy Panetta, Mark DeSaulnier, Chrissy Houlahan and Salud Carbajal. He also spoke with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.

Pierluisi explained that during his meetings with members of the Energy and Commerce Committee, he explained to the congressmen the urgency of finding a permanent solution to the fiscal cliff of Medicaid program funding.

He also advised members of Congress that the Medicaid program in Puerto Rico serves more than 1.4 million beneficiaries and provides access to health services for the most vulnerable populations on the island, including low-income families, children and people with disabilities.

The governor also brought to the congressmen's attention the need for equal treatment and the need to transition to a program similar to that of the states, instead of the block grant that is capped by law, and a Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) based on Puerto Rico's per capita income relative to the nation.

Similarly, the chief executive asked members of Congress to support the "Puerto Rico Admission to Statehood Act," H.R. 1522, a bill introduced by Resident Commissioner Jenniffer González and Congressman Darren Soto of Florida, which establishes the process for Puerto Rico to become a state. He explained to them that if they support self-determination for U.S. citizens in Puerto Rico, members of Congress must uphold the will of the people who chose statehood in the plebiscite vote last November 3, 2020.

"I will always stand up for Puerto Rico and denounce the disparities that affect our people on a daily basis. I support equality for Puerto Rico in all federal programs and will fight for American citizens living on our Island to have access to all benefits just like their fellow citizens in the states. As governor, I will make sure that the will of the people of Puerto Rico, as expressed in last November's plebiscite, is heard loud and clear in the halls of Congress," concluded the governor.

For her part, Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration (PRFAA) Director Carmen Feliciano said, "Puerto Rico is once again facing a Medicaid fiscal cliff and it is imperative that Congress act to ensure adequate funding for the Medicaid program. Now more than ever we need to discuss the Island's priorities and ensure their inclusion in President Biden's infrastructure bill. PRFAA will continue to work with the Biden-Harris Administration, Congress and federal agencies to ensure Puerto Rico's priorities."

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