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Governor discusses Medicaid issue with Chuck Schumer

Pierluisi met with Democratic Senate Majority Leader on equal treatment in Medicaid program

By Metro Puerto Rico
Pedro Pierluisi held a meeting with Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to discuss equal treatment in the Medicaid program.

During the meeting, the Governor spoke about the need to act urgently, since on September 30 the available funds expire and revert to the minimum allocation under the cap imposed on Puerto Rico by the Medicaid law.

The chief executive also emphasized President Biden's budget proposal that includes language to give Puerto Rico equal treatment with states in the Medicaid program.

"Last week I visited the U.S. Capitol and had conversations with members of Congress about the inequity in the Medicaid program and I know there is interest in helping Puerto Rico. We need to continue our efforts in Congress to seek a solution to this issue as soon as possible. I will continue to carry our demand to be treated on equal footing with the states of the Nation in the Medicaid program. It is unacceptable that 1.4 million American citizens are discriminated against solely because of where they reside. The meeting with Schumer was very positive, and I am confident that he will be a partner for Puerto Rico on this issue," said the governor.

Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration (PRFAA) Executive Director Carmen Feliciano said, "It is important that we continue to educate Congress about the inequity Puerto Ricans face when receiving services under the Medicaid program. For years, Congress has adopted short-term solutions to address the underfunding of Puerto Rico's Medicaid program. PRFAA will continue to advocate for a long-term solution that will result in better health care for the people of Puerto Rico.


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