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The court will decide whether Puerto Ricans qualify for the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.

By: José Enrique Fernández, President of U.S. Citizens for Equal Protection in collaboration with José R. González Irizarry, Esq.

Last Thursday, June 4, the case of Peña-Martínez vs. US Department of Health and Human Services was heard before the Hon. Judge William G. Young, before the Federal District Court of Puerto Rico. Where it is alleged, by ten (10) plaintiffs including Peña-Martínez, that the United States illegally discriminates against American citizens residing in Puerto Rico in the Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Supplemental Nutritional Assistance (SNAP) and Medicare Part D (LIS) programs in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Federal Constitution law that covers us.

After the parties presented their respective positions on the SSI entitlement allegations, the Hon. Judge Young instructed the parties to file briefs on or before June 25 on whether the SSI benefit, if found in favor of the plaintiffs, would apply exclusively to the 10 plaintiffs or whether the restriction on Puerto Rico residents would be nullified by declaring it unconstitutional, leaving the benefit available to all eligible Puerto Rican residents.

We will be watching these next few weeks, since with the judge's decision we will have a positive answer for the plaintiffs or for all Puerto Ricans who qualify.

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