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Biden justifies contradiction between his policy and federal Justice's position on SSI in Puerto Rico The president urged Congress to extend these benefits to all residents of Puerto Rico.

By Metro Puerto Rico

U.S. President Joe Biden today urged Congress to extend the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefit to Puerto Rico, while acknowledging that the federal Department of Justice continues to argue before the U.S. Supreme Court against the exclusion of this program for the island's residents.

Currently, the U.S. Solicitor General is arguing before the federal Supreme Court that the provisions of the Social Security Act exclude Puerto Ricans residing on the island in the case of Vaello-Madero v. United States. United States.

"This provision is inconsistent with the public policy and values of my administration. However, the Department of Justice has a long history of upholding the constitutionality of federal statutes regardless of policy preferences. This practice is critical to the Department's mission of preserving the legal order. Consistent with the practical importance, the Department is upholding the constitutionality of the Social Security Act's provisions in this case," Biden said in written statements.

"As I have stated before, I understand that residents of Puerto Rico should be included in SSI benefits like the rest of their fellow citizens in the 50 states and Washington, DC. I call on Congress to amend the Social Security Act and extend these benefits to all residents of Puerto Rico," added the governor.

Biden also indicated that Congress should eliminate the Medicaid funding limits imposed on Puerto Rico and implement the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) on the island.

"These steps, along with the American Recovery Plan (ARP), which includes the Child Tax Credit for families and an expansion of the federal match to the federal Work Credit program, will provide Puerto Rican families an opportunity to get ahead. As I have said before, there can be no second-class citizens in the United States. My administration will work with members of Congress to make these legislative fixes a reality," he said.

Puerto Ricans and citizens of other unincorporated territories do not have access to these supplemental benefits provided by the federal government.

The lawsuit was initially filed by the U.S. government in a collection action against José Luis Vaello Madero.

He lived in New York from 1985 to 2013, where he received SSI disability benefits. The man then moved to Puerto Rico in 2013, but continued to receive the Social Security deposit in his New York bank account until 2016. The U.S. government brought a collection action against him in federal district court, but later moved to dismiss the action. The federal government asked Vaello-Madero to repay about $28,081 in SSI benefits.
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