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Biden includes "equal treatment" for P.R. in federal Medicaid program Proposal goes to U.S. Congress

By: NotiCel 

Updated: May 28, 2021


U.S. President Joe Biden included for the first time equal treatment for Puerto Rico in the federal Medicaid program, which funds Puerto Rico's public health program.

Biden's action is a proposal that requires the endorsement of the U.S. Congress.

Following the White House's move, Puerto Rico Governor Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia declared that the new Democratic administration has "a real commitment" to providing "a fair deal for Puerto Rico in federal programs."

"Today, President Joe Biden kept his word by including in his budget proposal equal treatment for Puerto Rico in the federal Medicaid program, which funds Puerto Rico's government health care program. I have no doubt that the U.S. Congress will do the same and the discrimination we have suffered in the past under the most important health program for American citizens will end," said Pierluisi Urrutia.

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The Chief Executive also took the opportunity to send a message to the Fiscal Oversight Board, which as recently as yesterday approved several fiscal plans that reduce funds for important services on the island - among them the University of Puerto Rico - and which also establishes increases in some rates.

"I am confident that when this finally happens, the Oversight Board will come to its senses and eliminate a whole series of unnecessary cuts in Puerto Rico's government programs that are used to provide essential services to our people," said Pierluisi Urrutia.

The Governor added that Biden's plan also included language in his budget for the federal government to pave the way for parity in other federal welfare programs, including Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and the Nutrition Assistance Program (PAN), as well as other allocations that benefit Puerto Rico.

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