U.S. unions advocate before federal Supreme Court for Puerto Rico residents' access to SSI
By El Nuevo Día - Washington D. C. - Four influential U.S. labor unions with affiliates in Puerto Rico today denounced before the U.S. Supreme Court the federal government's efforts to block access by residents of Puerto Rico to...
Unions intervene before federal Supreme Court in Puerto Rico SSI case
By - The two Puerto Rican unions affiliated to the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the General Workers Union and the Puerto Rican Workers Union (SPT), joined together in the...
Let's focus on the White House parity proposal.
It is encouraging to see how the pluralistic government has worked this year to improve conditions for Puerto Ricans through an increase in the minimum wage and legislation that allows for the extension to the island of the federal Credit for Work program, or "Crédito por Trabajo," or...
PAN funding increase announced
By El Vocero - Resident Commissioner Jenniffer González Colón announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved a $463.8 million increase in the block allocation that Puerto Rico receives for the Residential Program.
Insist on Equal Treatment for Boricua in Supplemental Security Income Lawsuit
By The Spokesperson – Exclusion from Supplemental Security (SSI) is the distinction of a politically powerless and historically mistreated minority from second-class treatment that belies their status as equal Americans, according to the...
Boston First Circuit upholds SSI to remain in Medicare reimbursement formula for Puerto Rican hospitals
Washington D.C. – In rejecting a lawsuit by 25 hospitals in Puerto Rico, the U.S. First Circuit Court of Appeals recently affirmed that it is up to Congress to review the formula that determines Medicare's reimbursement to Puerto Rican hospitals.